Anthony Flint

Industry and Property News

Cycle-Friendly UK Cities

Monday, July 25, 2016

City living and city cycling go hand-in-hand. Choosing cycling over driving will not only reduce your carbon footprint but you will also arrive to work energetic and carefree, having avoided that frustrating peak hour’s traffic....

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95% loan-to-value mortgages improve

Friday, July 15, 2016

  For today’s First Time Buyers, one of the biggest challenges involved in trying to get a foot on that elusive property ladder is raising the deposit. With house prices seemingly on the increase all the time, even...

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Brexit: The Aftermath

Monday, July 11, 2016

Two weeks on, and the world (or at least the UK) seems to be getting to grips with the implications of our historic vote. The trains and buses are running as usual, cash dispensers are still working, and some of the frankly wild...

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How to Value your Estate Agent

Friday, July 1, 2016

  After some extraordinary recent market valuations, some financial analysts, such as Jefferies, the firm that advised Zoopla on their flotation, have warned that online estate agent Purplebricks is set to underperform. In a...

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Economic News

Thursday, June 30, 2016

At the end of May, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) announced that their second estimate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter of 2016 would remain unrevised at 0.4 per cent. The report showed that the...

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Why 95% of home-owners still use the traditional estate agents

Friday, June 17, 2016

Currently, the broadcast media are awash with new models that claim to sell your house for a fraction of the costs that you might pay using a more established route to market – such as an independent, bricks and mortar, high...

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Mortgages - Government to improve the switching process

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Government has recently announced details of a consultation, which plans to make switching bank accounts, utilities, and even mortgages easier for consumers, by forcing providers to improve their procedures. L&C , the UK's...

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The Real Debate Should be over Service

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

One of the burning questions in the property market is whether the new ‘online’ models are a passing fancy, or a fundamental disruptor to an industry which has seen little major change in the last 10 years. Marcus Whewell,...

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